For anyone that is missing the thrill of ‘Saltburn’ this one-man monologue fills that void. Also, with echoes of ‘The Talented Mr Ripley’ and Dr. Jeckyll and Mr. Hyde, Crudup give this tour-de-force performance, with the twists and thrills that audiences have grown to love.

Set on a bare decked stage with only a steamer chair and a glass of water Crudup gives us 80 minutes of mesmerising talent. He switches characters and voices with ease, but it is his physicality that truly impresses. The nuances of looks hand gestures and bodily moments make his telling of the story gripping and hold the attention throughout.

As a boy Philip Brugglestein discovers and revels in speaking in an English accent even though he is born and bred in Mid-West America. His father rejects him as weak and he loses himself in creating the character of Harry Clarke, who is a world away from his nervous awkward self.

After a decision to ‘tail’ a rich young man into a department store in New York he is forced to pretend to be Harry to excuse his actions and ingratiate himself with the man and his lifestyle. This snowballs for Philip as Harry takes over, becoming deeply involved with the entire rich family. Harry is a cockney life force and pan-sexual in his appetite for pleasure. How will it end for him?

David Cale’s writing is sharp and witty with just the right level of creepiness. Leigh Silverman’s direction is well crafted and brings great storytelling from Crudup.

The British accents might be a little caricatured, but you cannot deny the talent and wonderful performance skills of Crudup. It is Slick and creepy, and bound to please.

Photo credit: Carol Rosegg