Marjan Content Productions and Murphy's Law Productions have just released the first teaser trailer for The Finellis Musical, "Here's Tony!" The animation for the trailer was produced by 908 Video in Berlin. With music by Ulf Weidmann and lyrics by Mark Janicello "Here's Tony!" joins "Zombie Heart," "You Gotta Be A Goodfella," "Love Will Never Die," and the award-winning ballad "Here I Am Again" as one of the many memorable numbers that will tickle your funny bone and touch your heart.
STRICTLY LIMITED SEASON: The Finellis Musical begins its strictly limited season from June 3-16 at Wonderville, just steps away from Piccadilly Circus in London's West End. Based on the award-winning comedy, The Finellis Movie (64 award nominations, 22 awards in 12 countries; 7.4/10 Rating on IMDb; 5-Stars on Amazon Prime & Apple TV), the show has book and lyrics by Mark Janicello and music by Ulf Weidmann.
SYNOPSIS: It's like "Mrs. Doubtfire" meets "Goodfellas." American singer Tony Finelli spends 15 years in a Berlin prison to save his family from being killed by Mafia boss, Mr. Big. The musical begins on the day Tony is released. He returns home to find that his children hardly remember him, his wife has divorced him, and his mansion is now a Bed and Breakfast. To win back his family and rebuild his career, Tony, the proud peacock, swallows his pride and takes over the janitor's job.
TICKETS: Ticket are on sale now here. Boasting a top ticket price of only £26.50, The Finellis Musical ensures that this family show is actually affordable for a family to watch together.
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