The Good Women, directed by Sophie Marsden, tells the compelling true story of two women in the 1960s who fall in love amidst the struggle for female emancipation in Switzerland.

At first glance, Bette and Trudy seem to lead very different lives. Bette, portrayed by Faith McCune, is an unmarried star of the popular cooking show "Cooking with Betty!" Yet, despite her public success, she is tightly controlled by a sexist director who constantly undermines her. On the other hand, Trudy, played by Lena Liedl, is a housewife trapped in an abusive marriage. She leans on alcohol as a crutch to cope with her oppressive reality. As their paths cross, it becomes evident that both women are navigating their own forms of male oppression.

McCune’s Bette is grounded and politically aware, embodying a woman who dares to hope for a better future despite the societal constraints placed upon her. McCune’s performance is poignant and full of depth, showcasing a woman who is fighting for more than just personal freedom.

Liedl’s depiction of Trudy is equally powerful. She commands the stage with her portrayal of Trudy’s playful yet strong-willed nature. Liedl masterfully conveys Trudy's struggle with alcohol dependency through wobbly movements and slurred speech, making her seem childlike, unable to really grip onto her adult life. The chemistry between McCune and Liedl brings authenticity to their love story, making their bond both tender and believable.

However, while the performances are memorable, the production falls short in providing a broader context of the era. Apart from showcasing 1960s dresses, sexist directors, and abusive husbands, the play doesn’t fully capture the reality of women’s lives without political and social equality. The narrative could benefit from a richer exploration of the societal challenges women faced during that time.

Moreover, the love story between Bette and Trudy lacks the context of how a queer relationship would have been received in 1968 Switzerland. This felt like a missed opportunity to delve deeper into the prejudices and challenges of the period, which could have added another layer of complexity to the story.

"The Good Women" succeeds in its portrayal of personal struggles and relationships, thanks to the brilliant performances of McCune and Liedl. Their characters commitment to love despite their oppression is compelling and heartfelt. However, the play would benefit from a more thorough exploration of the societal issues of the time to fully realise its potential. Despite these limitations, "The Good Women" is a moving tribute to the resilience and courage of women fighting for equality and freedom.